Sunday, June 13, 2010

Settling into the trip

Our fifth day in New York, and we are finally easing into travel mode again. We have done quite a bit.
- Walked almost all of MoMA, which has some amazing works, very pleased to have finally seen the museum. Highlights were the Picasso drawings and paintings esp Les Demoiselles d'Avignon - we know he did a lot of stuff, but sometimes we feel that we've seen almost all of it! Also saw Starry Night for the first time (we think!) and lots of wonderful 20th c American artists.
- Spent the day on busses touring Downtown, Brooklyn & Uptown.
- Shopped for various cables etc and some essential crafting supplies at Michaels.
- Had a lovely walk through Central Park, with a picnic stop on a rock.
- Ate some pretty good meals with various nationalities.
We have also, amazingly, managed to have a few hours rest - must be getting old!


  1. So glad you have a blog now. Lovely of you to share your 'ramblings'. Looking forward to the next report.

  2. Cant wait to see what you get up to, hope you both have a wonderful time.

  3. Sounds wonderful!!! I dream of travelling the US one day. Look forward to more news.

  4. Lovely to be able to follow your travels. Enjoy

  5. Congratulations on your new blog. I look forward to reading what you get up to on your travels, as well as hearing about crafting news of course. Enjoy!

  6. Well done,, you've entered Blog land,,,your trip sounds great,,, i'll be popping in from time to time. enjoy your trip!!
